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Funding Options


Please give us a call to discuss the funding options that would best suit you. 

Better Access to Mental Health (Mental Health Care Plan)
This is probably the most common way for someone to link in with a psychologist for counselling support. This allows you, or the person you are supporting to access up to 10 medicare supported sessions per year. The gap between this rebate and our price varies depending on the service provided.
Generally a minimum of $84.80 is refunded to you after each 50 minute session with a psychologist. To get a Mental Health Care Plan simply ask your GP to write one up. 


Private Health Funds


Our clinicians are authorised providers for most private health funds. In order to find out whether rebates are available the family must first contact their private health fund to confirm that your plan covers Occupational Therapy and Psychology services.









FaHCSIA Funding

Harpers Health has applied to become a member of the Early Intervention Service Provider Panel and provides FaHCSIA funded services to eligible children. Up to $12, 000 is available for children 0-7yrs with a diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorders. 


Better Start Initiative for Children with a Disability


Under the Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start) initiative – Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome and vision or hearing impairments, including deaf blindness will be considered for eligibility. This funding includes up to $12,000 in funding for early intervention services and treatments for eligible children. 



National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)


NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency – a new way of providing community linking and individualised support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. Funding varies according to individual circumstances so please call 1800 800 110 for more information on how this funding would apply to you.


Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM)


This Medicare scheme allows up to 5 subsidised sessions for allied health professionals, such as Occupational Therapy and Psychology, within each calendar year. The child must initially be referred from a GP or Paediatrician in order to utilise the Medicare rebate of $52.95 per 50 minute session with our Occupational Therapist.




Price List


Please give us a call to discuss the funding options that would best suit you. 


NDIS participants $193 per hour (including plan managed & agency managed). Self-managed participants are required to pay on the day of their appointment.



Assessments typically take 1-1.5 hours and may include parent interview, administration and scoring of standardised and non-standardised assessments.

Initial Assessment - 2 hour fee

Assessment and Written Report - 4 hour fee


Therapy appointments are typically booked for 1 hour sessions on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

1 hour clinic-based therapy session $193 (this includes a 45-50 minute face to face session and 10-15 mins of session prep and admin at the end.)

Community Sessions

Community based consults include 1 hour observation/consultation at home or school including travel to and from site and feedback to both caregiver and school contact.

1 hour home or school session $180 -$200 (depending on distance travelled and communication required prior to and for follow up & admin). Ongoing community therapy sessions include 45 minutes intervention, documentation, travel to and from site and feedback to school/caregiver. Where possible community based appointments will be scheduled in location clusters and travel costs shall be shared. 

Report or Letter writing

The length of time required to complete letter or report writing will be estimated prior to completion.
Reports/Letters pro-rata as per therapy rate. 

Workshop/Parent/Teacher Training

Please contact Harpers Health for options regarding workshop and parent training.




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